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In the wake of escalating energy prices, it's only natural that every consumer is seeking answers to one pressing question: How much does it cost to operate their air conditioning system? 


The running cost of your AC unit is a complex matter influenced by a multitude of variables.

To provide a approximate estimate of running costs use our air conditioning calculator below.

Air Conditioning Running Costs Calculator

*This guide is an approximate calculation. Wattage used does not take into account room insulation, room size, ceiling height, age and condition of ac unit, external temperature, thermostat setting, heating or cooling mode and other factors. 


Looking for affordable air conditioning options for your home? Cold Control offer a selection of leading brand air conditioning systems which are competitively priced to meet your budgetary needs. 


Visit our price guide, or request a custom quote by following the links below.


How Much Does It Cost To Run Air Conditioning?

Air conditioning is a modern luxury that many of us can't imagine living without, especially during hot summer months.  There are numerous factors that influence the cost of running your air conditioning, read further to discover how to reduce these costs.


Factors Influencing the Cost of Running Air Conditioning


Type of Air Conditioning System:

The type of air conditioning system you have plays a significant role in determining the cost of operation. There are various options, including central air conditioning, ductless mini-splits, and window units. 

The Age of Your AC Unit:

Older air conditioning units are generally less energy-efficient than newer models. Newer units often come with advanced technology designed to reduce energy consumption and lower operating costs.

The Number of Hours You Run Your System:

The longer you run your air conditioning system, the higher your energy bills will be. Controlling the usage of your AC can significantly impact your costs.

Your System's Efficiency:

The Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) rating of your air conditioning system measures its efficiency. Higher SEER ratings indicate better efficiency, which can result in lower operating costs.

How Well-Insulated Is Your Property:

Proper insulation in your home is essential for maintaining a consistent indoor temperature. Poor insulation can lead to heat gain, making your AC work harder and consume more energy.

System Features:

Some air conditioning units come with energy-saving features such as variable-speed compressors, which can adjust their output to meet the cooling demands more efficiently.

Servicing and Maintenance:

Regular servicing and maintenance of your air conditioning system are crucial to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. Clogged filters, dirty coils, and refrigerant leaks can lead to higher costs.

System Controls:

Using programmable or smart thermostats allows you to schedule and optimize your AC usage, reducing energy wastage.

Outdoor Temperature:

The external temperature can affect the output of an air conditioner. Extreme temperatures can place a greater load on the unit, potentially reducing its cooling or heating capacity or efficiency.

The System Output:

The cooling capacity of your AC unit, measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units), affects its energy consumption. Oversized units may cycle on and off more frequently, resulting in inefficiency, while undersized units may run continuously, struggling to maintain the desired temperature. It is important to ensure your system is the current size for your room(s). For an accurate calculation please get in touch for a free air conditioning installation quote.


The cost of running your air conditioning system is influenced by various factors, including the type and age of the system, its efficiency, and your maintenance practices. To reduce costs, focus on energy-efficient equipment, proper maintenance, and adopting smart usage practices. By doing so, you can enjoy the comfort of air conditioning while keeping your utility bills in check.


Regular Maintenance

Schedule annual maintenance to clean filters, check for refrigerant leaks, and ensure the system is operating efficiently.



Improve your home's insulation to reduce heat gain or loss, helping your AC system work more effectively.


Seal Leaks

Seal any gaps and leaks in your home's windows, doors, and ducts to prevent cold air from escaping and hot air from entering in the summer months and prevent, and warm air from escaping during cooler months.


Programmable Thermostats

Use programmable or smart thermostats to set your AC to run at optimal times and temperatures.


Maintenance and Cleanliness

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the air conditioning unit are vital to ensure optimal performance. Accumulated dirt, dust, or debris on the coils, filters, or fans can obstruct airflow and reduce the system's efficiency.


Sunlight Exposure

The amount of sunlight entering the room can influence the cooling or heating requirements. Rooms with direct sunlight exposure may require additional cooling to offset the heat gain from the sun during extremely hot weather. Reduce the amount of sunlight by using windowing coverings such as blinds or curtains. 


Age and Condition of the Unit

The age and overall condition of the air conditioning system can impact its output. Older units may have reduced efficiency and cooling capacity compared to newer, more energy-efficient models.


Upgrade to Energy-Efficient Models

Consider replacing older units with newer, high-efficiency models with better SEER ratings.



For a comprehensive air conditioning installation  quote please contact our sales & design team to arrange a free survey.



We will recommend systems based on your facilities, taking into account your interiors, budget and any pre-existing systems in place.


We can provide a wide variety of solutions tailored specifically to your site and install them with minimal disruption.


To help take care of your investment, we provide a maintenance and repair service tailored to your specific requirements and budget.

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